Frequently Asked Questions
Why on earth do cats need grooming?? Don't they groom themselves?
How long does cat grooming take?
Do you sedate the cats?
Should I ask for a sedative from the vet to give to my cat myself?
My cat is fearful or aggressive, can you still groom them?
I don't want my cat shaved, do you offer alternative grooming options?
Why is cat grooming so expensive?
Why should I go to a cats only salon instead of just taking my cat to my dog groomer who also does cats?
- Well, yes and no. Much like dogs every cat has different grooming needs and requirements. For example, long hair cats can get matted and will often times need either regular bathing and brushing, partial shave, or full shave. Short hair cats can go through shedding periods where if they don't get a thorough bath and brush they could get excessive hair balls. As cats age all cats will self groom less and less and at some point most short hair cats will start matting as well. When this occurs it can be traumatic to bring a cat in for their first groom as a senior.
How long does cat grooming take?
- That varies greatly from cat to cat, service to service. Things like nail trims and brush outs are done while you wait, usually no more than 10-15 minutes. Full grooms with baths are generally 2-3 hours, and full grooms without baths are 1-2 hours. However, when dealing with live animals unpredictable things can happen, we can be running behind due to a naughty kitty earlier in the day, your kitty could be scared or fearful and need breaks, etc. We always want cat grooming to be as positive of an experience as possible for our cats, so we try not to rush them, especially on their first visit.
Do you sedate the cats?
- We never give cats any kind of medication or sedatives.
Should I ask for a sedative from the vet to give to my cat myself?
- For your first visit, you know your cat better than we do. If your vet feels it's safe to give them something like Gabapentin to calm them down that is typically your call. In general they behave for us similar to how they act at the vet. If your cat becomes overly fearful, stressed, or aggressive at the vet, then they may have a similar attitude with us. Most cats do perfectly fine with no medication, however if this is not your cat, we may need to discontinue services and/or recommend medication or a vet groomer for future visits.
My cat is fearful or aggressive, can you still groom them?
- We will always try to groom a cat at least once. Cats are temperamental and have good days and bad days, they have people they like and dislike, so no matter how previous experiences have gone or how their behavior is at home we are always happy to give it a try and hope for the best. We will use all precautions to keep your cat (and ourselves) as safe and comfortable as possible.
I don't want my cat shaved, do you offer alternative grooming options?
- We offer lots of grooming options for cats that are mat-free. Cats that are matted usually have to be spot shaved or shaved completely depending on the severity of the mats. For cats that are mat-free we offer belly and sanitary trims to help keep those tangle prone areas more easy to maintain. We also offer guard comb cuts which bring the length of the hair to about an inch. Guard comb cuts are only available on cats that will tolerate a good bath and blow dry. If your cat is matted they may need an initial shave but after that first time we can discuss maintenance grooms instead to avoid it in the future.
Why is cat grooming so expensive?
- Cat grooming is more dangerous than dog grooming, more specialized, and requires 2 people. Cats are much more likely to bite than dogs, and when they do their bites are much more likely to cause infection. Cat bite infections are extremely dangerous and often require hospitalization, but bare minimum always require a doctor visit and antibiotics. For these reasons it is generally more expensive than dog grooming.
Why should I go to a cats only salon instead of just taking my cat to my dog groomer who also does cats?
- At our cats only salon we offer a quiet, dog free environment to keep your cat's stress levels as low as possible. We have tools and techniques to make the process as easy as possible for your kitty. And most importantly, we have done special training classes and have dedicated ourselves to creating the best experience for your cat. We are not dog groomers that also groom cats, we are cat groomers, period.